Chakra Hologram 1
10.03.2018 Sat to
13.03.2018 Tue
The Chakra hologram came about through the combined efforts of
Hugo Tobar and Kerrie McFarlane. Hugo developed his correction technique based
upon Richard Utt’s 7 Chi Keys procedure and Kerrie had been researching the
Chakra system for well over a year, looking at literature from both the
Theosophical and Hindu traditions as well as many others. When Hugo and Kerrie
decided to merge their work, the Chakra Hologram was created.
The Chakra Hologram looks at what each chakra represents when it is displaying
an imbalance by accessing the plane in which the aberration occurs, and
correlating this plane with its actual meaning. Naturally the meaning will be
different depending upon whether it is an imbalance in the physical/etheric,
emotional/astral, the mental, buddhic, atmic, monadic or divine plane, and of
course as to which chakras are involved. Once the imbalance is isolated, it can
then be rebalanced by bringing the cause of the problem to conscious awareness
and then completed using a variety of kinesiological techniques, i.e – tuning
forks, palming, acupressure etc.
This technique has proven invaluable in allowing clients to discover the reason
behind their condition, identify recurring patterns and then be able to move
beyond. This workshop takes participants through a journey of their own Chakra
system, which will reflect where they are in their own personal and spiritual
development. Success has been reported by many practitioners who now use the
Chakra Hologram as an integral part of their practice. This technique works
with physical ailments, both acute and chronic, as well as with emotional and
mental conditions.
“The centres determine the man’s point of evolution as far as his phenomenal
expression in concerned; they work directly upon the physical body through the
medium of the endocrine system. This point should be borne in mind, for the
future occult healer will approach his patient with this knowledge. He will
then work through those centres and glands which govern the particular area of
the body wherein the disease or discomfort is located" Alice Bailey -
Esoteric Healing
The endocrine system has been referred to as the physical interface of the
Chakra System in much the same manner that the meridian/acupuncture system is
said to be the physical/etheric interface of Chi. Indeed without the detailed
anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system, any chakra work is only able to
have a superficial effect upon the physical body. Hence, in the Chakra Hologram
workshop, the endocrine/chakra relationship is covered in great detail,
including the individual hormones relating to each chakra and the physical
effects that they have on the body. As hormones are carried through the blood
stream to their target organs, this effect is widespread and has many physical
implications. An overview of the circulatory system and the nervous system is
also included to ensure that the practitioner has a good understanding of the
human body that the chakra system vivifies.
How to work with the chakras with colour is also an integral part of this
course, it is important to understand not only the colours themselves, but also
the different effects produced by the varying shades!
4 days £440
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